Growing up, my all time favorite costume was a witch. I loved dressing up as one. I think I was a witch about 4 different times as a kid. There was something so cool about being able to do spells and the ability of magic that I ate up with a spoon. When it came to books, movies, and even TV shows (hai there Charmed and the cancelled show Eastwick. Seriously, why was that cancelled?!) So I thought why not have a witch themed giveaway? I decided this time not only to include books, but two of my all time favorite witch themed movies.
One lucky winner will get:

-Once A Witch by Carolyn MacCullough
-Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
-DVD of The Craft
-DVD of Practical Magic
To enter you must answer the following question:
What was your favorite childhood costume?
The giveaway will run until October 31st at 11:59 PM central time. This giveaway is for US mailing addresses ONLY! If you do not answer the above question, I will delete your entry. CLOSED!!
Extra entries:
+10 if you email me a picture of you dressed up like a witch. It can be a recent picture or one from the past. Please note
I will be sharing these pictures on the blog so you'll have to be okay with me posting them here. email: justyourtypicalbookblog(at)
+5 if you write up a spell
+3 for being a follower before this contest was post
+2 for becoming a new follower
+1 for linking this contest up. LEAVE THE LINK FOR THIS TO BE COUNTED!
That is an AWEsome giveaway!!
And I love the idea of the whole game behind it!!
Too bad I can't enter! :P
Good luck to all participants! XD
My favorite costume when I was little was a pumpkin because I was born on Halloween so my parents always called me pumpkin. =]
+3 already a follower
katieb206 at gmail dot com
It's okay to post in the comments, right? I don't see a form link, so I think it is...
Anyway, my favorite costume as a kid was the pirate costume and the witch costume... I think I was each of these for halloween several times.
+3 I am a follower before this contest.
+1 Tweeted:!/elliottreview/status/26850784693
Ahh, Halloween. I love it! My favorite costume as a kid was this Candy Corn one that I had. It was awesome. I even won Best Costume for it at this church thing that I went to!! :)
+3 I am a follower before the contest.
Great giveaway, thanks!
My favorite costume was when I was a penguin. It had a lot of sequins and was really cute. I always had a thing for penguins.
+3-Old follower
findjessyhere at gmail dot com
awesome contest!! my favorite halloween custom as a kid was a power ranger
+3 old follower
When I was little my mother made me a glow in the dark Indian costume and I loved it! :D
New follower, and posted it at my journal.
I can't enter, but I just wanted to say that I thought this was an awesome giveaway, so I put up a link to it anyway :) Good luck to all lucky enough to enter!
My favorite childhood costume was quite original. I was a One Eyed, One Horned Flying Purple People Eater.
Bkhabel at gmail dot com
+3 Old Follower
+1 tweet
I loved to dress up as one of the "Pink Ladies" from the movie "Grease."I had a jacket, poodle skirt and saddle shoes. It was a sad Halloween when I was too big for it.
+3 old follower
UHHHG EASTWICK! I loved that show and was so sad it was cancelled.
I don't know if you know this or not but the last 3 episodes that were never aired were leaked on the internet so you might be able to finish off the season if you wanted to.
and the craft! I watched the hell out of that movie when I was younger.(Almost as many times as I watched the Buffy movie)
What was your favorite childhood costume?
Vampire. I think I was a vampire for like 7 years.
+3 for old follower
I was a vampire many times...
A vampire.
A dead hippie vampire.
The phantom of the opera as a vampire.
Though, years later I tended to be a zombie something.
A zombie.
A dead school girl zombie.
BUT my favorite childhood costume would have to be one of two:
Either a butterfly (homemade by mom, with huge gold wings) or a female genie (also homemade by mom).
Homemade costumes are the best!
+3 already a follower
My favorite costume from when I was a kid was a black costume my mom made for me when I was 5. In the pic. I have I also have cat ears and nose and my face is painted black. My mom saved this costume and gave it to me when I had kids. I ended up having two boys and neither one of them wanted to be a cat. Was too girly for them, turtles and power rangers mom duh!!!! So I let my sister borrow it and she had her daughter wear it and it was adorable. Then out of the blue I get preggers and finally have my baby girl and now that she is old enough to wear the cat costume I was so excited to put her in it and have a pic of me and her both wearing it. Call my sis to have her send it and guess what??? Yes, it is lost. Moral of the story, never let your sister borrow something you want back when she is notorious for not liking clutter and getting rid of everything
My favorite costume was rainbow brite
wish i had pictures!
Extra entries
+5 On this day all bright and sunny
Forgive the one that lust for money
For i am one who wants to be
Rich with money now let t be!
+2 Im a new follower Lora1967
+1 blogged your giveawy
Total- 8
Hahahaha! It'll sound a bit cliche because the theme of the giveaway is witches but, here are the reasons why my favorite childhood costume was a witch:
1- Die hard Potter fan.
2- Halloweentown, the Disney movie.
Came out in 1998 while I was still in my 'everything Disney' stage.
*hence why I wanted the witch costume*
3- My mom adores Sandra Bullock. Practical Magic came out the same year as Halloweentown. Imagine me cajolling my mom into buying whilst she was watching PC. *hence the buying me a witch costume*.
4- It was the easiest one to wear. (black dress, black hat and POOF! You're a witch.)
I'll send you a recent picture of me in a witch's costume & I'll try and scan the picture of 8 year old me in a witche's costume (:
+3 Old follower.
I've only been one thing for Halloween, and that was in year 2. Tweety bird. :| I may not live in US, but I have a friend who can send to me if I do win.
+3 Old follower
cc932005 at hotmail dot com
Oh I don't have any pictures of myself dressed up as a witch on Halloween. Oh well. Funny enough my favorite childhood costume was a witch. To be honest, I wasn't into dressing up.
+3 old follower
nalynboni AT gmail DOT com
I was a witch for Halloween for about 5 years in a row as a kid because it was always my favorite! Now as an adult, I still always dress up as a witch, but for the last several years, it is more of the Hogwarts type witch!
I sent you pics (10),
I linked the contest on Twitter (!/wizrockmom)(1),
and am an old follower on FB (3),
so 14 entries. Thanks so much!!!!
Yikes, I didnt have a favorite costume. We really didnt dress up a lot. But I do remember that I always like to wear heels and makeup when I was little.
My favorite was a zombie costume. I always loved being as gory as possible!
+2 for becoming a new follower
+1 for linking this contest up.
First of all I just want to say that I LOVE the fall themed look for the blog!
My favourite costume as a child was when I was in the 6th or 7th grade and I was an outhouse. We used an old refrigerator box and covered it in woodgrain contact paper and then cut a moon hole for me to look out of. Then the only only thing you could see was my legs which were wearing bloomers! It was quite hilarious. Though I remember the straps that I had to hold on to to hold it up were a pain!
+3 already a follower!
My favorite Halloween costume from when I was a little kid was the first time I ever went Trick or Treating when I was about 5 or 6 years old. I was a witch, with a black hat, dress and everything.
Extra Entries:
+5 if you write a spell:
Fire of the Moonlit Night,
Fill my dreams through thy sight,
Forgive all thy sins,
and all shell rise.
+3 for being a follower before this contest was posted.
Total: 9
I don't think I ever dressed up as a child. My son made a great Peter Pan when he was 3.
Thanks for the chance to win.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
My favorite costume as a child was a great gypsy costume that my mom and aunt sewed for me... I had the bandana and the hoop earring... it was awesome LOL...
Please enter me in the giveaway.
I forgot to add these...
I'm a new follower +2
This is a great contest. My favorite Halloween costume as a kid was a black cat. I always dressed as one...not I own
+3 I'm an old follower.
jlynettes @ hotmail . com
My favorite childhood costume was a Witch costume I had where I got to carry around a little black cat :)
Here's a Spell:
One tongue of a dead man,
One rusty tin can,
Ten toes from a dried out trout,
A body part riddled with Gout.
Mix them all in a boiling pot,
make sure they are nice and hot.
Pour some in a Highwayman's flask,
and you'll be able to accomplish any task!
And I'm an old follower (under the name you_were_almost_right) +3
My favorite childhood Halloween costume was Snow White! I dressed up as her THREE times during childhood, which meant my mother had to sew the costume three times (because I grew)!
+2 I am a new follower!
+1 I tweeted:
Both of those books have been on my wishlist forever! The movies look good too. Sandra Bullock is a fave actress of mine! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
When I was about 3 or 4 I wanted to go as Sailor Mercury, aka Amy, from Sailor Moon and I did. Used an old pagent outfit of my big sister's which really worked perfectly. And guess what? I wore that same outfit for Halloween in, what was it, maybe 3rd or 4th grade. Nearly froze my butt off but I loved the outfit! lol.
Bubbling Beetle Juice
And a hair from Tom Cruise
Mixed with pixie dust
And envious beauty lust
Shall give thou fame
And an infamous name
+3 Old Follower
+1 Sidebar:
Mine was always a black cat. But one year I made it a black and white cat and added a white sweatshirt.
+3 old follower
+1 tweet -!/DonnaS1/statuses/28952496660
bacchus76 at myself dot com fave costume as a child would have to be when I dressed up as E.T.!
This is a great giveaway. My favorite childhood costume would probably be Princess Belle from Beauty and the Beast. I think I've been every Disney princess, actually.
This is a great giveaway. My favorite childhood costume would probably be Princess Belle from Beauty and the Beast. I think I've been every Disney princess, actually.
Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance! My favorite childhood costume has to be when I was a Hippie or an Angel.
+3 Follower
+1 Tweet!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
What a great giveaway! (I, too, love "Practical Magic!) My favorite childhood costume was when I dressed up as a hobo. I even won a prize at school for it! Sorry, no witches in my past! :-)
New GFC follower #1.
New GFC follower #2.
Tweeted giveaway:!/MamaHendo3/status/29227696561
My favorite childhood costume was when I went as Belle from Beauty & the Beast. She's my favorite Disney princess, and I felt like a REAL PRINCESS when I went out trick-or-treating. :) I also loved being a witch - I was one at least 5 Halloweens!
+10 E-mailed you a picture of me
Fwoop floop fruppity froop
As I stand over this soup
I call upon thine powers
in the late hours
to aide me in tomorrow's test
so I can be among the best!
(I was going for one of those spells that good witches try to use but end up doing it wrong. Ambiguity in spells and whatnot leads to mishapen spells!).
+2 New Follower
+1 Linkage
Total: 18
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