Girls In The Stacks is ran by three ladies named Stacy, Shannan, and Nancy. I love their blog! They give out great reviews, have some very interesting (and funny!) podcasts where they discuss the books they've all read, and do some kick butt interviews with authors! AND they have snazzy shirts too! If you haven't seen this site, you must
click here and check it out!
Today for Rock This! Thursday the lovely Stacy has joined me in a discussion of books and music.
You're walking down the street - what song is following you?
Viva La Vida by Coldplay. I love this song, and if my theories on the song are right then it pretty much sums up how I feel about said theory. Or Get the Party Started by Pink
You've scored a golden ticket that will take you to any concert from any era. The only catch is that you have to take an author with you. Who are you taking and who are you two going to go see?
This is a hands down no-brainer for me, Lollapalooza ‘92 and I would take Jane Austen. Now, she would probably freak out a bit and be out of sorts for the entire concert, but she is my fav and I have to take my fav.
What was the last book you read that made you fall head over heels in love with it?
The Shapeshifers: The Kiesha’ra of the Den of Shadows by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. This is a compilation of the complete series, so while I didn’t care for one of the books I did immensely enjoy the series as a whole.
Do you have a favorite book that is centered around music?
I actually have two, Ballad by Maggie Steifvater and Black Hole Sun by David Macinnis Gill.
I've been wanting to read Black Hole Sun! (And now I have the song stuck in my head, thanks!) What's one thing you'd like to see more of in YA?
As a 30-ish reader of YA I would like to see older main characters, more parental involvement and less unnecessary cussing. I loathe unnecessary cussing.
I feel ya on the unnecessary cussing! It used to not bother me because sometimes a character just has to get their point across, but lately I've noticed it seems to be more of a shock value than really being about the story. A lot of songs play out like a fantastic story. Is there a song out there you'd like to see made into a book?
I would like to see someone tackle “Devil Went Down to Georgia” by Charlie Daniels. I think it would make an excellent springboard for a creepy book.
Who is your favorite band/singer and why?
Third Day. I like their sound, lyrics and listening to them always brings me peace.
What made you want to start blogging?
I love to read and really just needed a creative, somehwere to share my obsession. Of course I would have never started on my own, Shannan and Nancy are excellent partners. We complete each other. Cheesy I know, but it’s true.
Have you experienced any 'rock star' moments?
We have been very fortunate and have had a few ‘rock star’ moments with authors but my all time favorite moment happened at Target. On August 24th after dropping off my son at school I rushed to Target in my pajamas and walked as fast as I could to the book section to buy Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins. The lady in front of me, who was buying the book as well, turned around and said, “Aren’t you Stacy from Girls in the Stacks?” I had no idea who she was. I was shocked, flattered and embarrassed (pajamas remember) all at the same time. True story. (Okay, so it turns out she was a friend of a friend. Does that still count?)
Ha! Yes, it still counts! Thanks for stopping by, Stacy. If you're a blogger who would like to do an interview or guest post for Rock This! Thursday please contact me at: justyourtypicalbookblog(at) Don't be shy - you know you wanna!!