How does it feel to be a debut author?
Like veggie corndogs dipped in ketchup. In other words, delicious and amazing!
You're walking down the street - what song is following you?
“Lazy Eye” by Silversun Pickups.
I'm always curious of an author's main character (especially ones that I love). How to did Seth come about and what made you want to tell his story?
On July 14, 2006, I wrote this on a sheet of notebook paper: Okay, so this is the story of a social reject who falls in love with a somewhat popular girl.
I went on for four pages describing this decent guy getting totally used and abused by this girl with capital “I” issues. For some strange reason, I thought it sounded like a worthwhile thing to pursue and decided to write it.
Luckily, “our social-reject hero” turned out to be much cooler and more complicated than I’d first imagined and the evil girl turned out not to be evil after all. But that’s from where Seth first came. Just a tiny spark of an idea that evolved into something that is (thank goodness!) nearly unrecognizable.
Tell us a song that you think would make a great read.
“Starcrossed” by Ash. Although, come to think of it, that story was originally called “Romeo and Juliet.”
I know with writing there are always bumps in the road. What sort of obstacles did you face with Freefall?
Oh man, Amber. Most of the process with getting Freefall ready felt like obstacle after obstacle, I have to say.
Very early in the process, I was told by a writing instructor that, essentially, I’m too much of a girly girl to write a male narrator, my character was unlikable, and no publisher would ever touch the manuscript. I pressed on with writing and revising (and revising and revising) for 1.5 years because I absolutely believed that my instructor was wrong.
When it was finally ready, I sent it out to agents and spent nine months collecting nearly 100 rejections. Many of them said that my writing was “solid,” but they “couldn’t connect” with Seth. Those were some dark, dark times for me because it seemed that I’d been wrong, and that it was never going to happen for this story after all.
(Bright side: After my mostly awful writing year that was 2008, I got an agent and my book deal in 2009!)
WHAT!? How could they not connect with Seth? He's one of the most relatable characters I've came across. Those people were blind! (Okay, I'll stop my rant. Onward with the questions): If you could hang out with one musician - living or dead - who would it be and why?
Not to sound all whatever, but a lot of musicians that I might think I want to hang out with, I probably really wouldn’t. That said, Brandon Flowers is very pretty and he seems like he might be fun! (But don’t anyone tell me if that last part isn’t true . . . )
We're always down for new music so if Rosetta could share 5 songs with us, what would they be?
“Hollow” –Alabaster
“Twilight of the Innocents” –Ash
“Want and Need” –Everything is Energy
“I Was Never a Normal Boy” –Nightmare of You
“Muzzle of Bees” –Wilco
I loved that Seth was in a band and how well it was written. Have you ever been in a band or wanted to be?
Aww, thank you for the compliment! Years ago, I sang backup vocals and played maracas for two shows with my husband’s former band. It was not really my thing. Still, while I was writing this book, I got the notion that I wanted to learn to play bass. My husband bought me this really awesome Fender Mustang for Christmas. It now sits around looking all sexy, but it gets zero action. Sad, really.
Bottom line: I’m not a musician, my singing voice is mediocre, I’m a terrible dancer, and I look and feel ridiculous on stage. Me being in a band was just never meant to happen.
Have you experienced any rock star writing moments?
Just these: Reading reviews of Freefall where the reviewer totally gets it, and receiving emails from people who are excited to read my book or who have already read it and love it. Those are the rockingest moments I can imagine! :-)
If you want to find out more about Mindi and her writing, check out the following sites:
Now onto the giveaway! Mindi has offered to giveaway the following:
* 1 signed personalized copy of Freefall
* Albaster CD
* The Wages of Sin CD
--These are groups the bands from Freefall would open for, ya know, if the bands from the book were real!
To enter, you have to answer the following question from Mindi:
"Is there a song out there that can pull you out of a funk no matter what?"
Her answer: Lazy Eye by Silversun Pickups
I want to read her book now!! Great interview, I just love your questions.
Aghh! Awesome interview! I'll definitely be checking out the Silversun Pickups! I think I've heard of 'em before but never paid much attention to them.
BRANDON FLOWERS. Wow. Loved her answer. I lvoe Brandon... even more so post-Killers (: *although The Killers have a spot in my heart just for them*.
And I've always wondered what it must be like to write in a male's POV. But, some of my fave books are in a male's POV or go back and forth between the main characters *i.e.: Beautiful Creatures, Shiver, TMI series* so, I totally want to read this book!
My pick me up song would have to be "We are golden" by Mika. The lyrics make me want to 'run around like a clown on purpose' and jump around in the middle of the street :P! Happy tunes give happy times =)!
Also, it is very cool that the giveaway has some of Freefall's music in it. Awesomeness!
Hmmm...a song that can pull me out of a funk no matter what? There's probably two..."Don't Stop Believing by Journey" and "Defying Gravity" from the Wicked soundtrack. Both songs are upbeat, and speak of both pain and hope, so I find that I identify with them no matter what mood I'm in!
I'm glad Mindi proved that instructor wrong ;) I'm so, so, so curious about this book so I must enter this giveaway, lol.
This might sound odd but any of Shakira's older songs like "Ojos Asi" or "Whenever, Wherever" always pulls me out of a dark mood--her songs are always so infectious! :)
Today my answer is All I need by Hymns of Eden. Another day may bring a different answer.
Almost any of the oldies like Twist & Shout or Dream can pull me out of a funk.
bkhabel at gmail dot com
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I love Silversun Pickups! Great interview gals! The song that pulls me out of a funk is (currently) Horchata by Vampire Weekend or (sorry it's a tie) This Time Baby by Orange Avenue :D Love 'em both!
+2 Comment
Wow, I really wanna read this book now, awesome interview!!
I think the song that can pull me out of a funk is "Do It Alone" by Sugarcult. It's so amazing and upbeat, I love it :))
"Is there a song out there that can pull you out of a funk no matter what?"
I would have to say that Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes can ALWAYS make me happy. (and any song by the dead weather)
+2 comment
I don't think that there is any song that can definitely pull me out of a funk. Probably some have lifted a mood at one time or another, but if I was in a really horrible funk - nah ... don't think a song's going to do it!
Anyhoo, thanks for the giveaway!
jlelliott08 AT gmail DOT com
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shutupjessicasreading @ gmaildotcom
Oh, sorry, my song is Swing Life Away by Rise Against.
"Hate Me" by Blue October ALWAYS makes me feel better b/c I can scream it at people w/o sounding non-musical.
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AFFIRMATION by Savage Garden! (Oh, God! I am so OLD!) but that one definitely lifts my spirit when I need it. :)
I also Tweeted! :P
Really random, but lately it’s Teenage Dream by Katy Perry…
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That song for me would be Fast Car by Tracey Chapman. I heard that song when I was in middle school visiting my dad one summer. Trust me, my dad's taste in music is insane to say the least. I'm more into rock and alternative. When he put Tracey's cd on and this song came on, I was hooked and it's been my go to song ever since. When I've had a hard day with the kids and am in total stress mode, this is the song that mellows me and I can listen to over and over again
Like veggie corndogs dipped in ketchup.
Made me LOL because I know Mindi actually DID celebrate by having a veggie corndog.
Nice question! Um, I'll go with When I Come Around by Green Day. It's a song I could listen to over and over and never get tired of it. It always puts me in a laid back mood.
+2 Commented on your review
Thanks for the interview and giveaway!
I can't say that I have a pick-me-up song...unless it's "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift or "Songs About Me" by Trace Adkins. Really, anything upbeat gets my mood up.
Pretty much anything Tool will get me out of a funk. I love them. To die for.
+2 left comment on review.
"Hold My Hand" by New Found Glory always makes me happy (:
Great interview! Mindi seems like such a fun person.
Currently, the song that can pick me up out of any funk is "Drumming Song" by Florence + The Machine. Love the beats!
+1 I tweeted: http://twitter.com/renkellym2/status/27556950853
365DaysReading AT gmail DOT com
I just read this book (& wrote a review for it - http://g-reads.blogspot.com/2010/10/freefall-by-mindi-scott.html)
It was a great read! I'm looking forward to more from this author.
Hmmm. Let's see. I think I'd have to maybe go with Put Your Records On by Corinne Bailey Rae. Very upbeat, feel-good kinda song.
I've really been wanting to read Freefall! Thanks a bunch for the contest!
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Thanks for the giveaway :D
i'd say anything by Marianas Trench. There songs make me happy :) And the Beatles too.
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A song that can pull me out of a funk no matter what? Perfect Moment by Martine McCutcheon. I heard this song while watching the drama Meteor Garden and I fell in love with it.
jlynettes @ hotmail . com
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