This week we have author Michelle Zink with us to share some musical insight. Don't forget, her debut novel, Prophecy of the Sisters, will be hitting stores August 1st!

-Guernica and Luca by Brand New (you HAVE to listen to their lyrics! the best in the industry, in my humble opinion!)
-A Rush of Blood to the Head and Lost by Coldplay (preferably the version with Jay-Z).
-Beautiful by Eminem.
Tell us the most guilty pleasure song or band you have on your iPod, MP3 player, etc.
I don't feel guilty about any of them! Music is art, and I need all kinds to be happy!
What was the first tape or CD you bought?
Oh, my God, this is going to be embarrassing! Probably something with Sean Cassidy when I was about six years old. I loved music enough to pay for it even then.

Gah! Just one?! Okay, Bono of U2. SUCH an interesting, enigmatic, intelligent, and caring human being, and a truly amazing singer/songwriter besides. Though Eminem would be a close second for his authenticity and the very real stories he has to tell.
What was the first concert you attended?
Fleetwood Mac. My mom took me when I was nine. It was one of the best nights of my life and was a huge push to my lifelong love of music. Plus, she bought the tickets when we really couldn't afford them because I wanted to go so badly. She surprised me with them, and it's one of the best memories of my childhood.
What is the one thing you love most about music?
It's ability to transcend time, place, age... everything. Much like a book, it takes you away to a different time and place while also having the ability to connect us to the deeper meaning in our own lives. It's as necessary as air!
Note: If you're an author who loves music and would like to be featured on Rock This! Thursday, just shoot us an email: justyourtypicalbookblogblog@hotmail.com
Ooh I love this! And Bono IS pretty awesome.
AWESOME feature! Love music and love Michelle's taste in music!
Cant wait to read for of this feature!
Michelle rooocks!!!
Love it!!! Loved POTS. It was released here in the Philippines about 1 or 2 weeks ago...Mega Cool!
Great idea! My mom loves U2 and Bono like so much haha.
thanks for sharing!! Bono does so many great things besides just music. He would definitely be interesting to spend time with.
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