Thursday, July 15, 2010

Rock This! Thursday: Empire Records Edition

Every once in a while I like to throw out something new - like say a friend's fanfic or a concert story. A while ago I thought when I didn't have anything to post, I'd fangirl out my love for the greatest movie ever made: Empire Records.

But I decided not to today. It's not because I don't adore the movie, the characters, can quote the sucker without even watching it, and once upon a time had a mad crush on Rory Cochrane aka Lucas, but because this morning I stumbled across one of the best posts ever. It's all about why Empire Records should be turned into a Young Adult novel. (I KNOW! Why the hell didn't I think of that? Are you reading this, Sab? Genius I tell you!) So click the link below and read Frankie's post of all the reasons why Empire Records should be a YA novel.

Damn the Man! Save the Empire! RaVe On! RaVe On!

But since I feel like I should leave something, I give you some of my favorite quotes. Don't hesitate to join in on the comment section and tell yours. If you haven't seen Empire Records, GO RENT IT NOW!

Lucas: Joe, is it okay if I leave the couch? Cause I'm gonna leave the couch now, okay? My ass is falling asleep, so I gotta go. I'm leaving.

Eddie: This music is the glue of the world, Mark. It's what holds it all together. Without this, life would be meaningless.

A.J.: I don't feel that I need to explain my art to you, Warren.

Lucas: Who knows where thoughts come from. They just appear. (Best writing quote right there!)

Gina: Well Sinead O'Rebellion. Shock me, shock me, shock me with that deviant behavior!

Mark: We mustn't dwell... no, not today. We can't! Not on Rex Manning day.

Joe: How old are you?
Warren: Old enough to kick your butt through your skull and splatter your brains on the wall.
Joe: Yeah, he's a juvenile.

Warren: Stop calling me Warren! My name isn't f*cking Warren!
Eddie: His name isn't Warren.
Corey: His name isn't Warren.
Berko: His name isn't Warren.
Mark: I thought his name was Warren?



(Helen) Kiaya said...

Damn the man, save the Empire!

...and now I want to watch Empire Records for what will be the 209449,303929394,409229th time.

Mindi Scott said...

I love this movie more than anything. I really, really need to watch it again SOON.

Patricia's Particularity said...

Love this movie! To me its even better than the Breakfast Club - but more 90s style. And I'm a total 90s child. Great quotes.

brizmus said...

AGH! I SO love this movie, and it should SO be turned into a YA novel!
Sheer awesomeness!

Tales of Whimsy said...

LOVE that movie! I was graduating from high school back in 95 :)

I still think of that song, "The Best Things In Life Are Free"

Sab H. said...

I can not express what I felt when I read that post. And yes, I AM reading.

I do not regret the things I've done, but those I did not do. *Sniff*

Anonymous said...

I absolutely adore Empire Records!
Thanks for posting these quotes, they have brightened my morning :)

"I don't feel that I need to explain my work to you Warren"

Anonymous said...

I love this movie - and the soundtrack is one of my favourites of all times. This movie made me want to work at a record store sooooo badly.

"What's with today today?"

Frankie Diane Mallis said...

Thanks so much for the shout out and you picked some awesome quotes!

Seriously I think my favorite is:
-Stop calling me Warren, my name isn't fucking Warren.
-His name isn't Warren.
-His name isn't Warren.
-His name isn't Warren.
-I thought his name was Warren!

Also "I don't feel the need to explain me art to you" LOVE!!!!

Erika Powell said...

i very much love this post. Not on Rex Manning Day. so good. said...

You and Frankie have talked me into it...Netflixing today!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to stop by and say hi--I'm doing Judith Graves's Crossroads tour with you (

I <3 Empire Records! Wow, haven't thought about that movie in a while. Looking forward to your posts (though it sounds like they'll be a little sporadic for a while--have fun during your time "off"!).

Llehn said...

I think Liv Tyler is amazing :D

Bri Ahearn said...


Now I just want to randomly shout that.

Thanks for reminding me of this awesome movie. I might have to dig it out to watch tonight.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I got behind on my google reader and missed voting for you.. So sorry, i definitely would have though!

Anonymous said...

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