Saturday, May 14, 2011

In My Mailbox


Graveminder by Melissa Marr 
Sounds creeptastic!

Happy Birthday to Me by Brian Rowe
I love the idea of a teen who is getting older with every day.

The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab
I cannot wait to read this one! I've heard excellent things :)

Won / Gifts

Bitter End by Jennifer Brown
I pretty much squealed when Jennifer emailed me saying I had won her giveaway. I just finished this Friday night. It's good! My review will be up later this week.

Won from Princess Bookie's Contest Craze. I haven't read this author yet, but it sounds like it'll be really good!

Stay by Deb Caletti

Miles From Ordinary by Carol Lynch Williams
Sab from YA Bliss is the bomb dot com and sent me both Stay and Miles From Ordinary for my birthday! She also sent me a funny card (just don't tell her she's funny, it'll go to her pretty little head), and some swag. Seriously kids, she's awesome!!

Not pictured: Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton
I already let a friend borrow this book (had to share!) I won it from Erica over at The Book Cellar. She also sent me the swag you see at the top :) Thanks, Erica!!

Oh, and did I mention that Stay and Bitter End are both signed? Because they are!! That's it for me this week. Did you get anything super freaking amazing in your mailbox? Let me know in the comments!

PS - As just about everyone knows, Blogger was having its panties in a wad the other day and a lot of comments got deleted. If you entered to win a copy of The Tempest or What Happened to Goodbye and left a comment for the extra entries on either my review or author interview and no longer see it, don't sweat it. I know what ones were deleted and there is no need to re-enter :) 



Anonymous said...

You got some great stuff this week! I am totally jealous of Graveminder and Ten Things We Did! I want to read both of those :)

Brittany said...

Great books and such this week. HOORAY FOR SIGNED BITTER END. That book was so amazing, but :( too. Graveminder and Near Witch both sound amazing. Happy Reading!

Sab H. said...

Hahaha LMAO you crazy chick! I'm pretty sure I'm NOT funny, so don't sweat it :P
And wow. Here I'm lamenting my empty mailbox and you had the greatest week ever! Jealous! ;)

Katie said...

Awesome books this week. I can't wait to read Bitter End and Graveminder and The Near Witch and like all the rest. Happy reading!

Spellboundbybooks Mel said...

Love the look of Graveminder. Going to check that one out now on Goodreads.

Congrats on winning and happy reading!

Carla said...

awesome week. AWESOME. and this was made even better by the PRIME eye candy you have going on in the form of the ever lush mr hedlund. i thank you for this sunday morning eye treat :)

Monster of Books said...

Angelfire is a awesome book :) I hope you enjoy all your other books, Happy Reading XD

Unknown said...

I really want to read Bitter End - congrats on getting a signed copy of Stay - I love that book!

ComaCalm's Corner

Tales of Whimsy said...

Near Witch sounds good.

Erica said...

All your books sound epic! I'm glad Angelfire got there safe - yay for sharing! :) Enjoy all your books!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Great mailbox. I know you will enjoy. Is it hard to pick which book to start? I know the reviews...

Jenn said...

Great mailbox! The cover for Graveminder is fantastic. I'm also looking forward to Bitter End. Happy reading!

Audrey said...

Miles From Ordinary sounds great. I'm so jealous of your signed Bitter End! :) Graveminder looks beautiful.


Midnight Bloom said...

Your IMM full of so much awesomeness! Signed books and a couple wins, that's so cool! I'm really excited for Sarah Mlynowski's latest novel... it sounds hilarious! :)

Joann said...

Thats terrific that you won signed books! Congrats, you have some nice books there!

Fantastic Book Review said...

Wow! Great books this week. I can't wait to read Graveminder and The Near Witch. I loved Stay! Happy Reading!


great books! I really enjoyed 10 things :)

Unknown said...

I'm SO jealous :D !
I can't wait to read The Near Witch it seems awesome !

And since I've read Nicole's review (WordForTeens) about Stay I really want to read it too !

Happy reading :)

prophecygirl said...

Awesome, awesome week. Looking forward to all the reviews! xo