Ugh. Questions like these make me totally freeze up. Seriously. I’ve had about sixty songs run through my head since I read this questions and I just don’t know what to choose. So, umm, how about Dream On by Aerosmith? I seriously love that song and would be thrilled if it would follow me around …
How does it feel being a debut author?
It feels fantastic! This isn’t my first book, just my first YA (I also write romances under two different names) but it almost feels like it is. I’m as nervous and excited about Tempest Rising as I was about my very first novel, lol. On the plus side, the YA reading community is absolutely amazing and I’m feeling really welcome. Thanks for that!
I love the idea that Tempest is a surfer. Have you done any surfing?
I have, actually. Not like Tempest, obviously, but I managed to stay on my surfboard more often than not (which if you know me, is quite a feat). But I grew up in San Diego, hanging out and surfing on the same beaches that Tempest does. They’re beautiful and I couldn’t resist putting them in the book.
What made you want to write a siren type book?
I love mermaids. Love, love, love mermaids. When I was very young (about three or so) my father brought home a VHS tape of Hans Christian Andersen’s version of The Little Mermaid (long before Disney made a version). Though it was really dark and ended with the little mermaid becoming sea foam instead of living HEA with her prince, I fell in love with the story the first time I saw it. From then on, I was all about mermaids. I watched the movie every day (and I mean every day) for three years. My mom swears to this day that she can recite the dialogue word for word. While I eventually outgrew my obsession with mermaids, when I sat down to write my first YA and was still undecided about what paranormal creature I wanted to tackle, my agent asked, “How do you feel about mermaids?” Instantly, I was right back where I started all those years ago and knew I wasn’t going to be happy writing about anything else.
What are some of your writing necessities?
I’m actually a pretty low-maintenance writer (though I can hear my husband laughing at the idea of me being low-maintenance anything). If possible, I prefer a bottle of Perrier and my iPod, but that’s about it. I can write anywhere, including through WWIII, which is a good thing as I have three boys who hang out in a game room that borders my office.
How long did it take you to write Tempest Rising?
From the second the idea for Tempest Rising came to me, things just kind of slid into place. That doesn’t happen very often with a book, so it’s really thrilling when it does.
In October of 2009, I decided I wanted to write a YA. My friend had done my tarot cards and had basically told me that I wasn’t fulfilled writing the books I was contracted for at the time, and she was right. So I spent a little bit of time thinking about what it was I did want to write (YA and Romance paranormals) and then called my agent and told her what I wanted to do. She was incredibly supportive, and though I hadn’t decided on a YA angle yet (I went dragons with my romance paranormals) she was totally behind me writing one. A few days later, she called me and asked what I thought of mermaids and from the second she said that, everything clicked.
As I mentioned above, I love mermaids, so the idea of writing a dark mermaid paranormal appealed to me immediately. By mid-November I’d put together a proposal (synopsis and first eight chapters) for a book that I was calling Rip Tide and by Christmas my agent had sold the book. I spent January and February finishing the book, which had been renamed Tempest Rising, and turned it in March 1, 2010.
What was the first idea that sparked the character of Tempest?
I’m not sure. Different pieces kind of came together for me. I knew right away that I didn’t want to write your typical mermaid story and that I wanted it to be dark as I don’t think I can write another way, lol. Tempest’s name came to me pretty early in the game and her powers stemmed directly from that. Tempest as a surfer came to me as I was driving one day, listening to some songs from my old surfing days. After that, things just kind of came together.
A lot of songs tell a story. Tell us one song you think would make a good novel.
Wow, there are so many. Hmmmmm…. I’ve been listening to Secrets from One Republic a lot. I think it would make a really good novel.
That's one of my favorites on my current novel playlist! I agree, it could make a really good novel. Tell us six random things about you:
1. I love lipstick, books and fancy earrings (though not necessarily in that order).
2. I love thunderstorms, unexpected downpours, and walking in the rain, but hate the feel of wet clothes against my skin when the storm is over.
3. One summer, I went to every major amusement park in America. Another summer, I ran away with a band.
4. I’ve climbed the Pyramids in Egypt, walked on the banks of the Red Sea, kissed a boy in front of the Eiffel Tower, gotten soaked at Cleopatra’s favorite bathing spot and surfed Diamondhead Bay in Hawaii. I’ve also skydived over New Mexico and stood at the Cave of the Winds in Niagara Falls.
5. To this day, my favorite thing to do is to curl up with a cup of tea and a book as I listen to the rain hit against the window.
6. And last but not least, I’m part of the Chills and Thrills Teen Book Tour, which will be visiting all the major cities in Texas in the next month. Check out our website to see the other authors on the tour.
Have you experienced any 'rock star' writing moments?
A few, where fans have squealed and jumped up and down when we’re introduced, but nothing too outrageous—which I’m very glad about. Not sure what I’d say or do in a real rock star moment, LOL.
Thanks so much for having me—I really appreciate the chance to talk about Tempest Rising (and myself).
And THANK YOU for stopping by! If you want to learn more about Tracy and Tempest Rising then check out the links below!
Tracy Deebs Website | Twitter | Amazon
Awesome interview! you gotta love the classics; DREAM ON is one of my all time favs, even the cover that was done for GLEE was good :)
Fantastic interview! This book sounds like a good one
Great interview. You must have a busy house with three boys. I have two boys and sometimes they sound like 10!
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
I envious of all the traveling you've done.
The Lovely Getaway-- to this day Aerosmith is one of my all-time favorite bands and Dream On is one of their best :)
Moirae-- Thanks!
Bethie-- You have no idea. Three boys are like a tornado in the house all the time. My youngest currently has a black eye from an incident with the other two on Sunday ... Happy Mother's Day to me!
Sarahem-- I love to travel. My husband leaves in a couple of days for a conference in France and a quick side trip to Italy. I'm so jealous, but I have to be here with the boys and school ... two weeks later and we all could have gone :(
4. I’ve climbed the Pyramids in Egypt, walked on the banks of the Red Sea, kissed a boy in front of the Eiffel Tower, gotten soaked at Cleopatra’s favorite bathing spot and surfed Diamondhead Bay in Hawaii. I’ve also skydived over New Mexico and stood at the Cave of the Winds in Niagara Falls.
I'm so jealous. I've been traveling a little, but nothing like the pyramids. Something I've always wanted to do.
4. I’ve climbed the Pyramids in Egypt, walked on the banks of the Red Sea, kissed a boy in front of the Eiffel Tower, gotten soaked at Cleopatra’s favorite bathing spot and surfed Diamondhead Bay in Hawaii. I’ve also skydived over New Mexico and stood at the Cave of the Winds in Niagara Falls.
I'm so jealous. I've only gone to a few places in europe, but nothing of that extent. I've always wanted to visit the pyramids.
I am SOOO Jealous I want to travel around the world.
Great interview! I really want to read Tempest, it sounds amazing and I also like Tracy Deebs LOVE mermaids!
Sounds like you travelled a lot! Lucky you!
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
I love the song Secrets by OneRepublic too! You're so lucky that you get to travel. I never been out of Arizona before :( It get pretty boring here. Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney princess movie of all time. Mermaids are AWESOME!
I keep seeing this book everywhere but never knew what it was about, now that I do I'm definitely going to be checking it out. I loved this interview! You sound so down to earth and I LOVE that aerosmith song! I also envy you that you can write through anything, I always need quiet!
I think that almost everyone wants to have a rockstar moment. Hopefully that is not your last. I look foward to reading the book. Thank you for the interview.
I really want to read Tempest Rising, it sounds awesome. I like that Tempest is a surfer, I have always wanted to learn to surf. I didn't get a chance to take lessons when I went to Hawaii :(
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