Sabrina from YA Bliss
Ever meet someone and realize you could practiically be twins? That's how it is with Sab and I. If there's one person's opinions I trust when it comes to books - it's definitely hers. She's also been a great
Jenny from Wondrous Reads
Jenny is what I like to describe as a Wonder Woman type of blogger. She has great reviews, interviews, and overall wonderful content on her blog. She's read so many books I haven't even heard of! There is always something going on over there. Plus she is super sweet, and even sends me pictures of Garrett Hedlund when she stumbles across them :)
Erica from The Book Cellar
Erica is huge book lover - have you checked out this girl's IMM's before? I am always so jealous of all the great reads she stumbles on! She has a really fun and spunky personality that shows a lot in her reviews. You know when a book is good because this girl shouts it from the roof top, and is a great cheerleader for so many YA authors!
Kari from A Good Addiction
I found Kari's blog just this year via the lovely world of Twitter and how both of us went CRAZY the night Jackson Pearce had tons of giveaways with the #SistersRed hash tag. I love how she writes her reviews - she makes it look easy! She has a huge love for boys in YA just like me. I'm pretty sure she must have a bed the size of a football field because she keeps claiming all the hot YA guys and saying they're chained up there ;)
Steph from Steph Su Reads
Here's where I have to admit something: I am envious of Steph's writing ability. The words just flow so easily, and she really brings out the 'root' of each book she reads. Even if she doesn't like one, she still gives all her fair reasons and explains everything. I love checking out her discussions and lists she posts. They are so interesting!
So who are some of your favorite bloggers? If you make a post like this, tell me in the comments so I can swing by and take a look.