Fall For Anything by Courtney Summers (Amazon | Goodreads)
Firelight by Sophie Jordan (Amazon | Goodreads)
Desires of the Dead by Kimberly Derting (Amazon | Goodreads)
Wither by Lauren Destefano (Amazon | Goodreads)
The Lost Saint by Bree Despain (Amazon | Goodreads)
Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang by Chelsea Handler (Amazon | Goodreads)
That's it for me! What did you guys get this week? Make sure to leave a comment so I can go drool over your mailbox!
Also I wanted to point out this post I did the other day. My friends' 8-year-old daughter, Macy, has been battling a form of cancer called ALL Leukemia for two years. She is such a sweet little girl who has been put through something no child should ever have to go through.
Her parents are absolutely buried in medical bills. I know it's the holidays and I know money is tight due to the economy, but NO PARENT should have to worry how they're going to afford to keep their child alive because their insurance will not cover a lot of the cost. So please, if you can spare even two dollars, swing by this page and leave a donation. It would be very appreciated!
* In My Mailbox was created by Kristi at The Story Siren and inspired by Alea from Pop Culture Junkie.
Fantastic books--most of them are on my TBR list. Happy reading!
Wow! Great books. Especially Firelight, Lost Saint, Wither, and Desire of the Dead.
New follower.
Wow you have some great books here! A few of them are on my TBR list and look like they'll be great reads!
Check out my IMM here
The Lost Saint and Desires of The Dead. Oh boy! Happy Reading!
New follower! What an awesome mailbox this week! What great books! I'm having a Last Sacrifice Giveaway if your interested. Have a great week!
Nice mailbox you have this week! I have yet to read Firelight. Heard its pretty good.
Gasp! These are amazing books! Especially Fall for Anything -- I love Courtney Summers. I am so excited to read Fall for Anything. Ahh! Happy reading to you! :)
Fall For Anything looks really good,I love the cover... really intriguing!*adds to TR list* Nothing in my mail box this week. ;( Maybe next week though! Great post!
Letting fate take control of my reading endeavors @ http://thebookgrab.blogspot.com/ Check it out!
Fall for Anything and Wither! Ace. Oh, and The Lost Saint.. man I can't wait for that book.
Hope you enjoyed Firelight too, I loved that one.
Sorry to hear about your friend's daughter, good wishes are going her way.
Desires of the Dead AND Wither?!?! I am so insanely jealous :) I can't wait to see what you think!
I enjoyed Firelight and loved Wither!
And Squuueeeee we git Courtney Summers together yay!
Gotta love Chelsea too tho ;)
... and by "git" I meant GOT.
I have been wanting to read The Lost Saint- I can't wait for more Daniel. Happy Reading!
Great books this week! I hope you enjoy them.
Regarding the camera question, I know a lot of people use flip cams. I've never personally tried one, but they do make very good quality videos and they don't make the "whirring" noise that computer webcams seem to make.
We use FLIP (the HD mino 2hour). We love it, it's portable, light weight and so easy to use. Uploading is a snap.
Insurance and medical bills, such a headache...above all I hope the little girl gets better soon and grows up to kick insurance in the *you know what*
I'm so jealous you got Wither!!
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