Congrats to Fantastic Book Review for winning a copy of Lock & Key. And congrats to Julie for winning The Truth About Forever. A big thanks to everyone who left a book title with a character named Ruby in it. My goddaughter is one and a half so the picture book suggestions work out perfectly for now.

Halley has always followed in the wake of her best friend, Scarlett. But when Scarlett learns that her boyfriend has been killed in a motorcycle accident, and that she's carrying his baby, she's devastated. For the first time ever, Scarlett really needs Halley. Their friendship may bend under the weight, but it'll never break--because a true friendship is a promise you keep forever.
One thing I really love about this book is the friendship between Scarlett and Halley. So if you would like a chance of winning, please leave a comment with your email address telling how you met your best friend. Any entry without this will not count.
Little Dessen Trivia: Some of you might remember Scarlett who made an appearance in This Lullaby. She's the girl John Miller had a big ole' crush on =D!
Contest ends July 5th by 9 pm central time. This is only open to those with a US or Canada mailing address.
Yeah! I remember Scarlett! I was just talking about her appearance in This Lullaby with my friend today! How ironic.. lol (:
And ... I met my best friend basically when I was born. She was almost 2 and she was one of the first to visit me and my mom at the hospital!! And she was the friend who I was talking to about the Dessen novels today!
Thank you SO much for the chance. I just started reading Sarah Dessen and I LOVE her books and am hoping to own them all. I have not read this one so I am crossing my fingers. :)
I met my best friend 6 years ago when we go engaged. :) My fiance is my best friend. We have 2 beautiful boys together ages 3 and 1 and he is always there for me when I need him. He will always be my best friend..
As for girlfriends, I don't have many of those. Starting off being a mother my senior year of high school I got detached from my girl friends. Don't get me wrong, I still talk to some of my girl friends from school but I don't go and hang out with them since they don't have kids of their own and we all do different things..
My bestfriend is my husband but my best female friend and I met while we were at summer camp in 5th grade!
I love Sarah Dessen!
I met my best friend (and younger sister) when she came home from the hospital. I'd been an only child up until that point, so my welcome wasn't very gracious (tantrum and hives), but within the year I was fast friends with her, and remain so to this day.
I don't remember when we first spoke to each other but I've known my best friend since the 7th grade. In fact, she is coming to visit me tomorrow! dasuzuki at yahoo dot com
I met my best friend in preschool. =]
Okay I don't have long time best friends because I tend to move a lot but...I did meet this on friend in Kentucky while I was living there and she. was. Awesome. I remember thinking that I wasn't going to like her because she pretty extracted herself from everybody else--but then I realized, hello, that's what you do to. So I started talking to her and noticed that she was always reading--get this--Sarah Dessen books, lol. You can even ask her--always talk about her on my blog when I get the chance, her names Emily. At the time Sarah was a new author to me and the first book I ever bought written by her was The Truth About Forever, which I thought was great. Since that day we talked books whenever we could--mind you, we met at school not a lot of time for talking--but we would always talk over the phone. Once we got over the shy parts, of course.
I was pretty close with one of the girls at my high school, and during the beginning of our senior year, her younger brother came to talk to where we hung out. We got along great, and even though I lost touch with his sister, he and I remained bff's :)
Although I have never actually had one best friend, I have always had a very close-knit group of several good friends. I met Jana, Erinn, and Marissa two years ago in freshman English. Eventually English became lunch, which became movie marathon days, which became a very strong friendship. Despite having many different interests and personalities, we somehow make it work. I don't know if I could have survived the first two years of high school without them...
I met my first best friend in fourth grade. She transferred to our school and sat beside me. Strange looking girl with big green eyes and the reddest hair I'd ever seen :)
I met my next best friend the day before law school orientation. We carpooled to and from and talked about everything from our hubbies to peanut butter. She was awesome. Still is.
Good luck all!
I met my best friend in 3rd grade when she transferred to my school. We formed a "Secret Spy Club" because we loved Harriet the Spy.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
My best friend is someone I met through her brother, she was a year behind me in school. I was in the 3rd grade, she was in the 2nd grade.
Please enter me.
Dottie :)
My best friend and I met when we were 12, and they moved to our city. We actually met at church. We've been best friends for 30 years.
Neat giveaway.
My best friend and I met when she came to live with my family as a refugee of the Kosovo war in 1994. She was three and I was four years old. For the couple of months that she stayed with us started the beautiful friendship that would go on for 15 years. That friendship is still alive even though we live in two separate continents( Europe and North America). Anyway, the point is we have been inseparable since the moment we met :)
I grew up with my best friend. I don't remember meeting her. I think we met as infants.
chey127 at hotmail dot com
I met my best friend in 6th Grade. We were both put in the same homeroom, and we just hit it off. We both liked Violins and horses, so best friends it was! x)
I really enjoy her books so would love to win this. I met my best friend in college at the University of Texas.
msboatgal at
Oh I love this book! Since I don't really have a best friend, but several close friends, I'll tell you about my blogger-in-crime, Lauren. We met way back in second grade, when she was new. At first I hated her because she stole one of my recess buddies (:P), but somehow we became really close. Maybe it was our love for books? I don't remember, but I'd like to think so.
Alex (& Lauren) at aflightofminds(at)hotmail(dot)com
Please enter me!
I met my best friend at a church youth volleyball game. We had known each other, but she was two years ahead of me in school, so hadn't had much opportunity to interact. We rode to the game together and ended up getting stuck in a blizzard.
I want to read this sooo bad! Thanks for having all of these great Sarah Dessen contests!
The truth is, I dont have a bestfriend so I don't know if this entry counts or not. I have a few friends but not a bestfriend. Being homeschooled doesn't help that either. Sorry I don't have a story to tell you. :(
My current best friend is my husband - we met at work when my boss assigned us to work on a project together... I am not sure it ever got done..
Would love to win this for my daughter!
kherbrand at comcast dot net
I met my best friend through a mutual friend, who met him online in a Space Ghost chatroom several years ago. He lives two states away from me, but we see each other whenever we can.
email: sophie[dot]sensation[at]gmail[dot]com
Ooh, I'm so glad that you have some more Sarah Dessen contests! I have been trying to enter every single one in hopes of winning. Maybe I'll win this one!
I have a few different best friends. But my top three are:
Brigette- My cousin. I met her sometime after she was born, I was probably about 3 or 4 when I met her and I've loved her dearly ever since. I can talk to her about anything even though she's 3 years younger than me.
Isabella- We met in 10th grade English, she sat in front of me. She was loud and would make remarks that were total BS and nobody would argue with her. I was that person who would argue and piss her off, that made her like me and we became great friends. I never have to worry about getting her mad because we value each other's opinions.
Adam- My boyfriend of almost 3 years. We met in a summer day camp when we were 11 years old! 9 years ago. We were friends that summer and then went back to normal lives and reconnected back in high school. We were friends for about a year or two before we started dating. He's the one person that knows everything about me.
Please enter me--and I met my best friend by being born! My mom is, and always has been, my closest friend, and I'm very lucky for that, I believe. Thanks!
I met my best friend Jamie in fourth grade. We were both in drumline and we just clicked. We've been attached at the hip ever since.
I met my best friend through another friend. We had alot in common and starting hanging out and that was about 15 yrs ago.
I met my best friend in 2nd grade. I was the new girl and she was really nice to me and we've been best friends ever since.
My best friend started as my penpal. We started writing a book together, and now see each other frequently and are still writing stories. it's awesome. :)
I met my best friend when I transfered to a new school in 5th grade, we had the same bus stop and she had a cousin who waited there that was the same age as my brother. So we all used to go down to the bus stop early so that we could hang out and then eventually we just were constantly over at each others houses. I miss her now thinking about it. Maybe I'll go call her!
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