In Howland, darkness falls so quick that people there have no word for evening. It's not the darkness that they fear, it's the kinderstalk, creatures that roam the forest killing those that enter it.
Annie is a more adventures twelve year old that lives under her aunt and uncle's care since her parents died. After her sister's death, all she is able to do is just survive there. Until one night she escapes before she is basically sold off. Out on her escape and the journey she now faces, she finds herself at a dangerous mine and later at the king's palace where things from her past suddenly become her future.
There are a lot of questions that need to be answered for Annie to understand everything in her world. The plot itself wasn't too bad. Some of it was pretty predictable. The beginning starts off well, enough to have made me wonder what all was going on, but I felt that it slowed down a little too much for me. The side characters were also enjoyable and I liked reading about the sisters that Annie becomes friends with. By the ending, I'm guessing there is going to be a second book. This is more deemed for a middle school read, but I also think those that enjoy a darker fairy tale might like this one too. All in all it was an okay read, but not one of my favorites.

Thanks for the review, I was wondering about this book. I like the cover!
Yeah, I have to agree. I didn't really like this one at all. Sigh.
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