Just one of the girls.
Fifteen year old Colie has never fit in. First, it was because she was fat. Then, after she lost the weight, it was because of a reputation that she didn't deserve. So when she's sent to stay with her eccentric aunt Mira for the summer, Colie doesn't expect too much. After all, why would anyone in Colby, North Carolina, want to bother with her when no one back home does?
But Colby turns out to be a nice surprise for Colie. Almost without trying, she lands herself a job at the Last Chance Bar and Grill. There she meets fellow waitresses Morgan and Isabel - two best friends who teach her what friendship is all about, and help her learn to appreciate who she really is.
This is another one of my favorites (yes, I love them all, but this is about number four on the list). Weight issues have always been present in my life, and I think when I read this book I was about Colie's age. So I was able to relate to a lot of it. It's a great story of a girl really finding herself and the person she wants to be while visiting this crazy little town of Colby.
If this book sounds good, just leave a comment telling me one of your favorite places to spend the summer along with your email address and you will be entered. You've gotta do both for it to count.
For extra entries:
+2 for being a follower prior to this post
+1 for being a new follower
+1 for each place you link this to
+1 if you leave a comment on Along for the Ride review
Giveaway will end Sunday (June 21st) at nine pm central time. This contest is only open to those with a US or Canada mailing address.
I like to spend a lot of the time at the pool during in the summertime.
I was already a follower.
The beach! I love going to the jersey shore during summer months!
I am a follower. I linked to your blog at confessionsofawanderingheart.blogspot.com.
St. Simons Island, here in Georgia, is one of my favorite places to spend the summer. It is so beautiful and there is so much to do. Though I would love to go to Cumberland Island one year and photograph the wild horses.
+2 I was already a follower
+1 linked to contest on my blog's sidebar:http://thebookpixie.blogspot.com/
+1 linked to contest on my Myspace profile in a blog: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll&bID=495004028
Great contest!
~Briana :D
One place I like to spend the summer is up at the cottage swimming in the lake, hanging out.
+2 i'm already a follower
+1 i left a comment (#6)
i like to spend time at the beach
+2 already a follower
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I love going 2 Denver Co, the mountains were beautiful.
i was already a follower
posted on sidebar under contest
commented on Along 4 The ride
I love going up to Tennessee and going riding. Friends of mine own a horse ranch, and I can come stay anytime as long as I help with chores and such. It's my favorite place to be...
+2 for being a follower prior.
+1 for linking on sidebar
+1 for leaving a comment on Along for the ride.
Please enter me, this is one of the few Dessen novels I haven't read yet!
I liked to spend the summer at the beach, preferably somewhere quiet!
I am already a follower.
Thanks for hosting!
Oops, forgot to leave the link where you can find my sidebar/blog...
I wanna a chance to win this book! I like spending the summers near the water, either pools or the beach.
+2 already a follwer
+1 already left a comment on Along For the Ride review :)
+2 for being a follower prior to this post
+1 linked in sidebar
+1 comment on Along for the Ride
teensatthelibrary @ yahoo . com
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
This sounds like another good read :) And I like to spend summers going to rummage sales and piddling around in the yard & garden - ANYTHING outdoors! Unless it is a cozy, stormy summer night, then I'm curled up with a good book or movie lol
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
And I also left a comment on ALONG FOR THE RIDE :)
My favorite place to spend the summer is up at my uncle's resort in MI because it's so peaceful and relaxing, surrounded by three sides of water so that I can just melt away for the day.
barbrafl737 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Our summer consists of swimming in our pool and 60+ travel baseball games. We also love Northern Wisconsin - beautiful country, great fishing too.
msboatgal at aol.com
I like to read a good book while laying in the hamock.
I am already a follower!
Hm, favorite place would probably be just home..or California sounds nice sometimes. I'm already a follower.
My favorite place that I've been to in summer is in some islands called Morrocoy in Venezuela. If I could go there every summer I would.
Im already a follower and I will put this link on my blog.
I love being at the beach during summer =)
+1 for each place you link this to
+1 if you leave a comment on Along for the Ride review
I love spending time at my uncle's cottage in the summertime
+2 Current follower
+1 I have posted your giveaway here
by a lake somewhere thanks minsthins at optonline dot net
I enjoy spending lazy summer days at the library. I love walking home from the book mobile with a large bag of books on a hot summer day - knowing that soon I'll be reading inside an air-conditioned room.
I was a follower prior to this contest!!
You can find this contest on the side bar.
in my back yard reading in my lounge, the garden is beautiful and our new fountain is so calming
new follower
and i'm glad i found your blog
I love spending the summer on my back porch sitting in the swing!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com
I love spending the summer at our local beach!
nicoledzuba at yahoo.com
Really like the cover looks like a great read
sounds like a good book. Please enter me. Thanks!
I am a follower.
I love to spend time on the patio and watch the birds play on the feeders.
1bmore @ gmail . com
Hanging out in the backyard, we have picnics and bbqs there!
Going to the beach is my fav. I just love it there.
We spend a LOT of time at the beach! We're in MI so there's plenty to go to! We also like to go in the evening when a lot of them have free music! Thanks
hmahan_0529 @ yahoo dot com
+2 already a follower!
We like to spend our summer's in our own backyard.
This sounds like a great book.
I was already a follower.
Love to have this. I really enjoy the beach.
on my boat catching or not catching fish
I love to spend my summers in Los Angeles with my family over there in California. Before last summer i hadn't seen any of them in 8 years because i lived with my father here in Texas but now im going every summer including this one on July 17th! I vissit my sister and brother and the rest of my family but unfortunately i can never see my mom but im just glad i can spend time with my younger siblings and be there for them!
1+ for being a new follower
1+ for posting about your contest
1+ for posting a comment on your review for Along for The Ride
Sounds like a good book.
I love to spend my summers at the beach in Santa Cruz.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
I love a day at the beach or a day at the pool. Or better yet, just a quiet day at home spent reading and doing nothing.
I like to spend the summer walking around Milwaukee, because it's not so pleasant to do so in the winter. My email is sophie[dot]sensation[at]gmail[dot]com. I'm already a follower.
I like to spend summers near the poolside. koalatees(at)gmail.com
+1 for being a new follower
+1 for each place you link this to (towerofbooks.wordpress.com)
I love to spend summers hanging out at friends' houses, just playing around!
Great contest. I've never read Sarah Dessen before and I'm looking forward to that chance. My favorite summer place, as lame as this sounds, is in the country in the midwest, where it's seasonably warm but not super hot like where I live in TX.
My address is amandagignac[at]gmail[dot]com
Did my other comment show up?
+2 already a follower
+1 posted on sidebar
+1 Along For Ride
My favorite place for summer is at the pool. I could lounge there all day!
cnhand84 at yahoo dot com
We like to go to the lake during the summer and rent a pontoon boat to hang out on and ramble around the lake all day :-)
I am a new follower.
I left a comment on the Along for the Ride review post.
My favorite summer hangout is this old abandoned barn my friends and i found, it's beautiful is a different way, it even has it's on little enclosed lake with an overly protective gate goose, plus it was a site in Weird New Jersey so that's a total plus hahahaha
oopsie and my email is Blueeyedangel407@aol.com
I am a new follower and in the summer I like to go anywhere outside where I can read in the sun!
One of my favorite places to spend the summer is among friends! I love doing things with my friends without the stress of school work, etc! We normally just go to the movies, hang out at homes, play video games, go to the park, etc! :)
extra entries
+2 for being a follower prior to this post
+1 I left a comment on your review for Along for the Ride :)
I would love to win. I love to go camping in the summer with my wonderful husband and children
Thank you for the chance.
I'm such a geek, I love the spend the summer in the library, plus they have air conditioning. This one looks like a good read, please enter me into this drawing.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
Hey! Great contest, I'd like to be entered please :)
My favorite place to spend this summer vacations is definitely the BEACH. This is my personal recipe to a good vacation:
Beach + Good Book + iPod + Ice cream = pure pleasure
Thanks a lot!
Summer is best spent anywhere as long as you're with friends!
I love to spend time in the summer at my mom's with my children!
I am a new follower of your blog
I also commented on your review.
kherbrand at comcast dot net
i love sarah dessens books!
but i like to spend my time at the beach (perferably panama city beach)
and +1 i commented on your review for along the ride
+1 im a new follower.
id love to be entered!
my name is emily.
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