Released: June 2011
Publisher: HarperTeen
Pages: 384
Source: Teen Book Scene
Buy: Amazon
Rating: ♥♥♥♥
When Jana Webster wakes up after her bowling accident, she finds herself in Dead School. (Ya, could you imagine having to go to more school AFTER you died?) The first thing on her mind isn't being freaked out or even pissed off that she's dead - she's more concerned that she can no longer be with her boyfriend, Michael, who is her soul-mate.
At least that's what she thinks.
Dead Rules is definitely a unique tale that deals with death in a whole other way. You always think when you die, you'll be judged for what you did when you were alive. But in this story, you're judged on how you die which makes you either a Slider or a Riser. (And you don't want to be a Slider...well, I wouldn't mind being one if it means I get to hang out with Mars.) While trying to figure out exactly why there is such a thing as Dead School, and why a very cute and brooding guy named Mars keeps coming into her life, Jana knows one thing for sure: She wants Michael back, and if she has to, she'll kill him to get him there with her.
There was a lot of questioning of what exactly happened to Jana the night she died. She starts getting creepy messages, but her head is more wrapped around the love of her life. Normally when a character is like this, I would get annoyed, but because the book is written in third person, Russell did a great job of mixing things up where you would get to see things from not only Jana's perspective, but also Mars's and even Michael's. About half-way through the book, I kind of predicted on how things were going to end, and even though I was right, it still didn't take the fun away for me.
The world and the story itself was really interesting, had some funny moments, and like I said very unique. Even the minor characters fitted in nicely with their own voice, and while there wasn't a whole lot of focus on them, they were still well rounded characters.
The ending didn't exactly tie up nicely, leaving it open for a second book - which please someone tell me there will be a second book! Still, if you've ever wanted to give the world of ghosts or paranormal a chance, this is your book! And if you already like this genre, don't miss out on Dead Rules!
I am reading this right now and quite enjoying it!
This sounds like my kinda book! But you know I'm a cover whore and this cover doesn't do anything for me. I probably would have passed it in the store. Isn't that so sad? =/
I like the sound of Sliders and Risers and a different take on death. I'll look out for this one!
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