Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's My Blog's Birthday! + Giveaway

I didn't even realize my blog was turning two until I saw that little reminder at the bottom of my page. And even cooler - my blog turns two on 1/11/11. I love dates like that!

Time has really flown. I'm still just amazed this blog made it two years! There were a couple times (okay, more than a couple) where I wondered if I should even keep doing this, and I'm so glad I've stuck with it. Books are my world, and being able to talk to so many bloggers, becoming friends with a lot of them has just been flat out AWESOME!

The writer in me still squeals every single time an author writes me an email or talks to me on twitter.

I thought I would have some big speech to deliver when this baby turned two, but the only thing I can think to say is this:

Thank you! Thank you person reading this post right now. Thank you person who leaves comments. Even though every blogger says they do this for the love of reading - WE LOVE COMMENTS! Comments make us feel special so THANK YOU! Thank you guys for coming back to the blog, reading reviews, reading Rock This! Thursday. For all the feedback, suggestions, and every other little thing. You guys are awesome, and I'm so glad to be apart of this wonderful world of books.

I'm attempting to move at the moment so money is super tight. I still wanted to do something to celebrate the big 2 so I'm going to be giving away a couple of ARCs.

I think most of you may have heard of these two titles.........

  • There will be 2 winners! (One person for each book - you can enter for both!)
  • Open to EVERYONE!
  • Runs until January 31st
  • Winner will be contacted via email



Kristen My Bookish Fairy Tale said...

Happy Blogoversary Amber!!! Congrats on 2 years thats amazing!!! I am so excited for you lol


Sage Ravenwood said...

Wicked cool blogoversary to you! (Hugs)Indigo

Ginger @ GReads! said...

Happy 2nd Birthday!! very awesome indeed!

Blueicegal ♥ said...

Happy Blogoversary missy, and thank you for the lovely contest! :)

Megan said...


Nikki (Wicked Awesome Books) said...

I became a follower yesterday, but I have a feeling I'm going to love your blog. Happy 2nd blogoversary!

Steph said...


I love your blog and have been a follower for a while. Glad you hung in there and kept blogging!

Thanks for such a great giveaway... I have Delirium would love to read Unearthly!

Thanks again and Congrats!

Natalie @ Book Lovers Life said...

Happy Blogversary!!

brandileigh2003 said...

Thanks and Happy Blogoversary!

Em said...

your blog is a toddler! cute! happy blogoversary!

Mrs. DeRaps said...

Happy, happy blogoversary!!

Ashley @ Book Labyrinth said...

Yay, congrats on 2 years! That is so awesome. =) I love reading your reviews.

Unknown said...

Happy blogversary. Congrats on the 2 years.

prophecygirl said...

Happy 2 years, Amber, and what a great 2 it's been! Here's to more years at JYTBB :D

(P.S. - It's my 2-year blogoversary in... 6 days. Yay us and January starts!)

Anonymous said...

Hi :)
Congratulations on your anniversary.
I enjoy your site & your posts.
All the best,

Jen Bigheart said...

Happy Blogiversary!


Kim said...

Happy blogoversary! May you have an even BETTER third year! WOO. :)

Unknown said...

Happy Blogoversary luvvv xoxo!!!

Mia said...

Happy Birthday to your Blog! :)

Edna said...

Congrats on two years!

Rachel said...

Happy blogoversary! I haven't been a follower for too long, but I love your blog - it's fantastic :)

Erica said...

Happy Blogoversary :) Here's to wishing you to many more :)

Sab H. said...

*inhale* Happy bday to youuuu happy bday to youuuuu happy bday Just Your Typical Book Blog, happy bday to uuuu. *blows candles* *claps*

Anonymous said...

Happy two years!! :D

Llehn said...

Happy Blogoversary :D

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday and congratulations!

angie said...

Congrats on the 2 years!!

girlsinthestacks.com said...

Congrats on the 2-year mark. I love your blogs, it is one of my favs. Seriously. You are my fav.

Jessy said...

Happy Blogoversary! Thanks for the great giveaway.

*Jam* said...

Thanks for the giveaway! :)

*Jam* said...

Oh, and I forgot to say: HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!!

Brodie said...

Wow, 2 years... Happy Blogoversary!!! I wish you many more happy years of reading, lusting and sharing your love of books with us :)

Thank you for the awesome giveaway!

Fi-chan said...

thank you! and happy blogiversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy blogoversary !!!!
And thanks for this giveaway and for making it international !

latishajean said...

Big congrats to you thanks for the great giveaway!

latishajean said...

Big congrats to you thanks for the great giveaway!