Here's some info taken straight from the host's site:
How Wannabe Writers Works
Wannabe Writers is an internet writing group. Everyone is welcome to join. It's a place to meet other writers, ask questions, and get feedback.
Here's how it works:
1. Create your own post: You can model this any way you like! I don't mind if you model it after mine, but feel free to create your own post however you like. Generally (in one of my posts) I talk about where I am in the writing process, any current issues I've been struggling with, and then any questions that I'm hoping other wannabe writers can help answer. ***Something new*** I'm urging everyone to answer the question I pose in comments section of my blog and then to ask your own question in your own post. That way when you visit different blogs than you can see a number of different questions and answers.
2. Everyone that agrees to participate will try to visit each other's posts and leave comments! (The point is to help each other by giving out advice.)
3. Everyone is welcome to join! You can join at anytime and DO NOT have to participate every week.
Click here to see all pasts posts and don't forget to join up in future ones or even snag a post one to write about!
Oh thanks I'll check it out!
Thats lovely!!
I love writing so much - i evetually want to get published but untill then this looks good :)
Awesome!!! Thanks for posting!!
Thanks so much! I love to write and hope to be a published author someday :)
Thanks for the heads up!
This is a great optturnity for all types of writers, but unfortunately I only read the books not write them.
Cool meme!!!
Another blog I'd love to see you catching up with is the discussion blog. It could be very good if you updated it every once in a while. Although, I know how hard it can get to update even this one from time to time :/!
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