Sunday, September 19, 2010

Speaking up for SPEAK + Giveaway!

There is no doubt my post will be among so many that pop up on blogs and articles all over the internet, not just today, but within this week. I first heard about someone trying to take SPEAK away via twitter with the hastag #SpeakLoudly. Then I saw a link Kristi from The Story Siren had tweeted and I read it. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. For those that haven't read the article, click here.

I've never been in a situation like Melinda faces in SPEAK. I remember, back in 1999, when the book was first published picking it up from my high school library. I remember not being able to put it down during class. I remember taking it home and finishing it that night and being in tears because of this horrific heartbreaking story and knowing that anyone walking the halls in my school could have been going through the same thing Melinda did. I remember thinking how wonderful it was that there were authors out there that were willing to write something like this. Something so powerful to make this issue known.

I am from the same general area that Scroggins is targeting. To take a book out of this class, to tell parents and teachers that they aren't being Christian-like because they are allowing their children to know about sex is the most ludicrous thing I have ever heard. It is beyond obvious to me that Scorggins did not really read SPEAK. If he did, he would have realized this is a book is no way or shape pornographic. It's actually sickening to even say that. This book is about hope. This is a book about a girl who is willing to go up against something she had no control over. Something that should not have happened to her in the first place. As someone who strongly believes in God, I am furious. To have someone, someone who claims to be such a Christian, slap judgement and say these accusations of this book has lit a fire under my butt.

So this is what I'm doing today. I am giving away 2 copies of Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. GIVEAWAY CLOSED! I am purchasing them from the Book Depository which means as long as they deliver to your country, you can enter. The giveaway will be running until October 3rd. Depending on my bills situation, I might even give away more copies.

To enter to win one of the most powerful and profound books of my high school time, just leave a comment on this post with your email address. If you do not want to leave it here, please send me an email:

Tomorrow, I will be heading down to my public library to make sure a copy of SPEAK is there. If it isn't, I'm donating my personal copy.

Here is what author, Laurie Halse Anderson has said on the issue.

Here is what author, Myra McEntire, posted in defense of SPEAK. I have to say, it's one of the best things I've seen.

I also plan on tweeting anymore posts or articles I see via twitter so if you don't follow me, this is my  handle: @JYTBB. If you, my dear readers, have written your own post or are doing a giveaway please leave a comment so everyone can go check out your site!



Kelly aka yllektra(I Work For Books) said...

I read what happened, I saw it on twitter and was shocked!
I haven't read the book ,which makes me feel even worse.. but wow!
I can't believe how stupid and narrow-minded people can be!!

May I be signed up for this contest?
I'd love to read it!


Natalie said...

I don't want to enter, because I already own a copy, but I wanted to let you know that you are AWESOME for doing this. I'm from Springfield myself, and I wrote about my opinions on the article here. Thanks for speaking out!

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered into your giveaway, I've been told Laurie is a fab writer and I'd love to see what all the hubalub is about regarding Speak!

I've seen all the comments on Twitter today and it sounds utterly ridiculous what the man said about the book!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this post! I wrote one too! I'd love to win this book!

twilightforever.edward at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I've watched the movie but never had the chance to read the book. I'd love to get a copy!
Great post :)

anbi14 at hotmail dot com said...

preaching to the choir sister, and just loved what Myra McEntire's post was excellent.

Anonymous said...

I am so annoyed by this. Speak is such an excellent story, and it has such a deep and powerful meaning.

AWWW!!! I could just SCREAM!

Chrystal said...

I have this book in my TBR pile, I am bumping it to the top of the list and plan to get it read ASAP so that I may write up a blog post about what I feel about this post.

I have yet to find anything written by Laurie Halse Anderson to be something worth banning. Really, I find her books helpful and hopeful and completely worth having in a library for youth to read.

Thanks for posting about this topic and bringing these stories to my attention.

Bethany said...

(They have it at my library so I'm not entering.:)) Is he kidding? I got it from the library in the 7th grade and I loved it. My 8th grade teacher has that book. I recomeded it for my parents, they thought it was amazing, and saw nothing wrong with it.
Banning books is just wrong. Never has a book impacted me negatively. If I hadn't read all the books I have I am sure I wouldn't be as, I have no idea what word to use, accepting? Aware? Well-rounded?

Blueicegal ♥ said...

Thank for sharing i just did post on it, i would love to be entered its a amazing novel and it's been a while since i last read it :)

Sab H. said...

I've been kinda quiet about the whole thing so people wont notice I haven t read SPEAK. LOL!

So, please enter me! :P

yabliss AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

I am lucky enough to own Speak but I just wanted to say how awesome this is. The giveaway is a brilliant idea Amber.

Onge said...

I haven't read this book. But I've wanted to and this whole thing makes me want to read it even more. Thanks for the awesome contest.

Anonymous said...

Like I said before, congrats for taking action in this, Amb! People CAN'T shut up. I've seen the movie and would love to read the book. ;)

LuxeCouture said...

That is just terrible! I agree with you 100%!!!! They think Speak shouldn't be in school libraries? Um, than why do they have other books like Crank and The Scarlet Letter and such in school libraries? They're all great books and that guy does not know what he's talking about. I do not own Speak, but I have wanted to buy it for awhile. The movie was really good and I bet the book is better. Great contest idea! Thank you!

numberonealphamassieblock @ gmail (dot) com

Cass said...

Man has Speak been plastered all around the blogging community or what? I'm outraged by how ignorant some people are about banning books. SPEAK is, as far as I know, a powerful, realistic novel. I deeply am disgusted by how judgemental people are, when SPEAK goes far beyond just the provocative scenes or whatever. Come on...

I haven't read it yet. I've read Wintergirls, which has been banned before I think. :\

cc932005 at hotmail dot com

Amie McCracken said...

Speak was my first young adult book. It had so much impact on me. I love seeing all the support, and I really hope it all works!

amie_photos at hotmail dot com

Arjun said...

i read this a while back and its reallllllllly goood !!!!!!

Katelyn said...

Thanks for the contest!
Email address:

Judit said...

This is a great post! I didn't know the book was banned. What is wrong with people?

Thank you for the giveaway.

judittten at gmail dot com

Splendibird said...

I haven't read Speak, but it's been on my wishlist for a while. I read the inflammatory article and cannot believe that such small-mindedness still exists. Please enter me for the contest.

Unknown said...

I had never heard of Speak before yesterday. I am trying to get my hands on a copy.
amandarwest at gmaildotcom

Fear Street said...

I also read Speak in high school. I really liked it and it remains one of my favorite books today. I can't even think of anything to say in response to the Scroggins thing (side note--that name makes me think of some old weirdo in a moth eaten velveteen cape living in a musty cave with his caged crow.) because I'm speechless with anger :s

Anyway, I would love to win a copy of Speak.

Beverly said...

Thanks for hosting - thanks for supporting Speak!!!

Andrea I said...

As a mother of 4, I can see why some parents might get upset about different books. My thoughts are their children could read something else if it's that offensive to them. Personally I don't see why this shouldn't be in the school library. I don't think it should be banned. I know the problems I had as a teen and if there's anything that can help, I'm all fot it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I read the same thing and I think banning books in this day and age, especially one such as Speak is outragious!!! Speak is about a girl over coming her fear of speaking about sexual abuse and banning a book like this is insane, it is sending a horrible message to young girls that it is okay to keep quite about such things that should never ever be kept quite about!

Anonymous said...

It's Michelle (from Michelle's Minions). I"m not entering because I already own it, but I just had to comment. I read the article and it honsetly made me sick. And even cry a little. If that is what this person got out of these books, then HE is the sick one. Anyone who views rape as porn is a sick, sick, puppy. There are other things I'd like to say, but I don't use that kind of language. The other thing that really made me angry was this, about "Twenty Boy Summer": "In this book, drunken teens also end up on the beach, where they use their condoms to have sex." Well thank goodness for that! Would he prefer they didn't?!!? The only word I can think of right now to describe how this makes me feel is OUTRAGE. We'll, I'm glad to see that you are giving away copies of SPEAK and taking a stand. Rock on, sister!

Amy (ArtsyBookishGal) said...

I really want to read this book and I love what you wrote. Thank you for speaking up!

Amy S.
artsyrockerchick at aim dot com

Anonymous said...

I love that you are participating in this. It is such an important issue!

irisonbooks [at] gmail [dot] com

Cielo Azul said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway!

I can not believe that such things happen, I hope the book isn´t banned.


Anonymous said...

I'm really happy that so many bloggers are speaking up about this, we can't let one person force his narrow-minded opinion onto other people, especially not when so many victims are benefiting from these books that he's trying to ban.

Llehn said...

It's shocking but I've not had a chance to read this book yet. Hope to do it soon.

Ani said...

My twitter is going to explode because of #SpeakLoudly. I read every tweet, every blog post and I`m surprised by this reaction. I`m also glad that people can bound like that and stand for the book they believe in. Amazing.

Anita M.

Aik said...

I'd love to read this book! SPEAK should never be banned!

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Jackie said...

I would love to enter the contest! I'm dying to read this now just to see what the big deal is.
It seems like every time there is controversy over a book it is caused by people who have not actually read it.

Anonymous said...

I really want to read the book Speak - I think everyone should be able to have their choice of books. The things that happen in the book are reality, they will learn soon enough if they don't already know.

Simply Stacie said...

Please count me in.

simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

Kristina Barnes♥ said...

I loved Myra McEntire's post on the issue. I loved it so much I refer to it every time I spread the word to speak loudly. To be honest, every time I go to another blog protesting the banning of Speak, my blood boils. Every single time. I'll think I'll have ranted myself out, and then next click and BAM! Rage. I take it personally, because I felt so connected with this book: it helped me through so much, and gave ME the courage to Speak Loudly.

The points Scroggins makes about boy books -- TBS and Speak -- are just... god awfully appalling.

ugh, I can't even convey my disgust/rage.


FairyWhispers said...

Honestly I've never heard of 'speak'

until tons of blogs suddenly sort

of 'spoke' so this is a good way

to spread awareness.

please enter me in the contest.


Pokadots1121 said...

This is book I want to try and read. So thanks for the contest,

- Melissa - said...

Thank you for Speaking Loudly

Enbrethiliel said...


Speak sounds properly cathartic for a story with its theme.

Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks!

altaemoeniaRomae [at] gmail [dot] com

latishajean said...

I have not read it I have learned a lot about banned books this week. I have read some I did not even know were on the list. Thank you for taking part :)Thanks for the chance to win this book!

hendy said...

Thanks you for standing up against censorship and standing up for the themes that books represent. The great thing about books is you get to choose to read it or not and imagine what this world would be like without these "controversial book" There was a time that books about interacial marriage or female infidelity would have been banned. Thanks
hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com

nfmgirl said...

I've been hearing such great things about this powerful book. Please count me in. Thank you!

nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

I look forward to reading such an important book! Thanks for your post, thanks for the contest, and thanks for speaking loudly!!

APSkap (at) comcast (dot) net

Karol Tablante said...

I haven't read this book! But I soooo want to! Thanks for this giveaway! Hope I get one!

ally said...

Great post!!!

Sarah E said...

I'd love to read Speak. Please enter me in this giveaway!

familyhistree at yahoo dot com

Sarah E

luckygirl1112 said...

Count me in please!

Badass Bookie said...

I heard all about this book banning scandal but I'm not really all that sure what it's about since I'm down in Australia!!! What I got so far is that some guy is banning Speak and not allowing freadom to read right? I think it's great that bloggers are speaking out about this! Oh, and thanks for the giveaway!