
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Crossroads: Kitty Keswick and Linda Joy Singleton

Give us four reasons why we should pick up your book: 

1. It’s a fun paranormal romp.
2. British lingo and hot hero!
3. It is a series. You’ll have a chance to get to know the world longer.
4. Werewolves are a howl.

What is magic to you? 
Magic is something I wish were real. I think that’s why I write about it so much, trying to make my own wishes come true. Do you listen to music while you write? No. I usually have TV on in the background for company since I’m alone a lot.

Have you experienced any ‘rock star’ writing moments? 
Yeah, and I loved it. The first was when I was invited to BEA in Chicago, my air and room paid by my publisher, and my editor led me to the “Green Room” where Newbery winner (and online friend) Linda Sue Park was just coming out. Books were waiting for me on a signing table. Also signing were writing stars that dazzled me, like Daniel Handler and Meg Cabot. I had 30 minutes of floating on stardust. Amazing!

What’s next for you writing wise? 
I just finished a science fiction YA (mystery-romance) and my agent is shopping it to editors. Since it’s the first book in a trilogy, I need to get started on Book 2 soon, so I’ve started writing down ideas for the plot. I have a general idea of what will happen but expect lots of surprises along the way. I hope it sells soon – check my Facebook for news!


  1. Hey there Linda! Thrilled to see you have a new book and to "see" you here, mate. Look like another winner to me!!

    May you sell millions - and make 'em too!!

    Books for Kids - Manuscript Critiques

  2. What a fun post. But what are you doing here? You need to be writing that book 2! Sigh, there's never enough hours in day to write and socialize. ;-)
    Best of luck with your books.
    C.K. Volnek

  3. Your book sounds great! I'm always interested in an author who dreams in vivid imagery.

  4. Linda, It has been commonly observed that people work according to their profession but listen to music while working or provide Linkedin profile writing service in Dubai for people, and it's very common. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.


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